Welcome to Issue 4
Medium’s Hand at Morbid Anatomy Library Photo: Jaclyn Baer
Some have made the argument that Spiritualism was born out of the imagination of children, and to be honest, that view would not be entirely wrong. As you will read in this, Issue 4 of Briar Press Quarterly, two young girls in 19th century New York were able to spark such a craze for channeling and communicating with the dead, that one wonders if, indeed, Spiritualism was all imagination. Or was it a case of being in the right place at the right time?
America has a history of fervent religiosity, as well as a spirit of invention, and upstate New York in the mid 19th century was a center for all kinds of sects, home-made prophets, and successful new religions. Combine this religious revivalism with scientific progress and a fascination with the other side, and you have the perfect conditions for Spiritualism to thrive. It was in this climate that Seances were born, and often believed to be the most cutting-edge of scientific methods used to reach and bring forth departed souls.
As two nerds for all things Gothic and Victorian, how could we not dip our toes into this fascinating topic? Especially during this unequivocal time of year when everyone knows the veil between This World and the Next is at it’s thinnest. Please enjoy this, our Halloween issue devoted to the Spiritualists, with many more investigations on this topic to come in future issues. (If you read our Faery! issue you know we love an ongoing series around here.)
Happy Halloween, and a Blessed Samhain!
As always,
The Editors