Welcome to Issue 3
When we decided to do an issue devoted to Faery we knew it would be a Herculean task. The subject is enormous! From folklore and mythology to art and literature, every culture and its peoples has it’s own version of the unseen world; of those who inhabit the Other realms. Faeries have been used to explain everything from human disappearances, behavior disorders, illness, and coins appearing under the pillow of a child in exchange for a tooth.
So, where to begin?
In this issue, the first of what will be an ongoing series devoted to the subject, we explore some of the darker aspects of Faery: it’s association with madness and other unexplainable maladies, the mysterious Long Man of Wilmington, and the infamous Cottingley Fairy photographs, as well as our usual poetry and folktale offerings. And we’re barely scratching the surface.
Look for more Faery issues in the future from BPQ, but in the meantime, we hope you enjoy this one as much as we enjoyed creating it.
-As Always, The Editors